How Strong is Your Grip? (Grip Strength Assessment)

Here's a bold statement: Grip strength is the most significant predictor of your strength, performance level, overall health, and longevity. More so than any other quality of fitness.

According to one study, "Poorer grip strength was associated with increased mortality from all-causes, from cardiovascular disease, and from cancer in men, though not in women."

Moreover, your grip strength is a primary indicator of your overall fitness and should not be ignored.

Here's a grip strength assessment that measures your relative grip strength:

Instructions: Hold a pair of dumbbells or a loaded trap bar for a duration of 30 seconds.

Level 1: Novice or post-rehab | 50% BW


Level 2: General fitness | 100% BW


Level 3: Elite performance| 200% BW


The concluded findings of the study mentioned above state that "Grip strength is a long-term predictor of mortality from all-causes, cardiovascular disease, and cancer in men. Muscle size and other indicators of body composition did not explain these associations."

I include a link to the study below if you're a nerd like me. The results are shocking.


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